Aanbeveelde Boeke

“Dark Night of the Soul ” – St John of the Cross

“Follow Me” – Greg L Hawkins & Cally Parkinson

“They Like Jesus But Not the Church: Insights from Emerging Generations” –  Dan Kimball  

 A Tale Of  Three Kings” – Gene Edwards  

“The Divine Mentor” – Wayne Cordeiro

”The leader who had no Title”  – Robin Sharma  

The Edge of Paradise”  – Martin de Lange en Belinda Lamprecht

“Maximides manhood . A Guide to Family Survival “ – Edwin Louis Cole

“Strenghtsfinder 2.0 ” – Tom Rath

“Be Free: Exchange Legalism for True Spirituality – Commentary on Galations”  –  Warren W. Wiersbe 

“I  am a church member”  – Thom S. Rainer

“Who moved my cheese”  – Dr Spencer Johnson

“The 3 colors of community” – Christian A. Swarz

 “Die Huis van die Here in die 21e eeu” –  Dr. Marius Potgieter

Maak Wenners Van Jou Mense” – Arnold Mol

“Icons as a Means of Grace” – John de Gruchy


48 Be Titles– In these popular Be (Bible Exposition) titles, Warren Wiersbe unlocks the treasures of Scripture in a clear, concise manner. His style of writing is non-technical and very readable. With an emphasis on personal application, this set should be a part of every Christian’s library.

Expository Outlines –   For each book of the Bible, Wiersbe includes a one or two page outline, some introductory notes, and then some extensive exposition of key Bible passages (not found in his Be series).


Be Alert (2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude)
Be Alive (John 1-12)
Be Amazed (Hosea Joel Jonah Nahum Habakuk Malahi)
Be Authentic (Genesis 25-50)
Be Available (Judges)
Be Basic (Genesis 1-11)
Be Comforted (Isaiah)
Be Committed (Ruth & Ester)
Be Compassionate (Luke 1-13)
Be Concerned (Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Zephaniah)
Be Confident (Hebrews)
Be Counted (Numbers)
Be Courageous (Luke 14-24)
Be Daring (Acts 13-28)
Be Decisive (Jeremiah)
Be Delivered (Exodus)
Be Determined (Nehemiah)
Be Diligent (Mark)
Be Distinct (2 Kings, 2 Chronicles)
Be Dynamic (Acts 1-12)
Be Encouraged (2 Corinthians)
Be Equipped (Deuteronomy)
Be Faithful (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon)
Be Free (Galatians)
Be Heroic (Ezra, Haggai, Zachariah)
Be Holy (Leviticus)
Be Hopeful (1 Peter)
Be Joyful (Philippians)
Be Loyal (Matthew)
Be Mature (James)
Be Obedient (Genesis 12-25)
Be Patient (Job)
Be Ready (1 & 2 Thessalonians)
Be Real (1 John)
Be Resolute (Daniel)
Be Responsible (1 Kings)
Be Restored (2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles)
Be Reverent (Ezekiel)
Be Rich (Ephesians)
Be Right (Romans)
Be Satisfied (Ecclesiastes)
Be Skilful (Proverbs)
Be Strong (Joshua)
Be Successful (1 Samuel)
Be Transformed (John 13-21)
Be Victorious (Revelation)
Be Wise (1 Corinthians)

Wiersbe’s Expository Outline of the OT and NT